Panchagavya as Soil Conditioner: Ancient Traditional Knowledge for Sustainable Agriculture

Guntimadugu Sanhthosh Kumar Raju

Department of Agronomy, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India and Research and Development Wing, Sikri Farms, Haryana, India.

Prudhvi Nawabpet

Loyola Academy Degree and PG College, Old Alwal, Secundrabad-500010, India.

Arun Kumar *

Kalasalingam School of Agriculture and Horticulture, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil, Tamil Nadu, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Panchagavya is an ancient traditional agricultural knowledge in Indian farming, where farmers were used in crops from decades, It is completely cow based products combination of five ingredients majorly Cow's dung, urine, milk, ghee and curd, instead of these other ingredients like jaggery, coconut water, ripped bananas were also used to boosting its role. In agriculture, Panchagavya acts as a soil health improver by providing nutrients to plants that it has the abundant quantity of growth promoting hormones, macro and micro nutrients, helpful microorganism that are mutually cooperated with the plant roots and soil in Rhizosphere zone that may helpful in conversion of organic form of nutrients to inorganic form where plants can easily uptake them and results better plants immune system and effective control of various diseases in plants.

Keywords: Panchagavya, cow dung, soil health, growth

How to Cite

Raju, G. S. K., Nawabpet, P., & Kumar, A. (2022). Panchagavya as Soil Conditioner: Ancient Traditional Knowledge for Sustainable Agriculture. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International, 44(11), 181–186.


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