Adoption of Pest Management Practice Wise Green Technologies Utilization Behaviour of Trichy and Madurai District Farmers in Rice-based Ecosystem
M. Deepika *
Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deeemed to be University), Gandhigram, Dindigul, India.
S. Brinly Sasitha
Mother Terasa College of Agriculture, Pudukkottai, India.
Jeevapriya A
Agricultural Extension, NDRI, Karnal, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The current study was carried out in Madurai and Trichy districts of Tamil Nadu. Two blocks from each district were chosen. For this study, a total sample size of 240 people was used. It was seen that 52.08 per cent of the respondents had fully adopted the destruction of stubbles after harvest in which 56.67 per cent of Trichy district farmers and 47.50 per cent of Madurai district farmers had fully adopted the above practice in order to avoid yellow stem borer. More than half (51.67%) of the farmers had adopted placing of dry fish in the field in which 56.67 per cent of Trichy district farmers and 46.66 per cent of Madurai district farmers had fully adopted this practice. It was observed that 50.00 per cent of Trichy district respondents and 27.50 per cent of Madurai district respondents had partially adopted the practice of dipping the seedlings with chloropyriphos to avoid the attack of termites.
Keywords: Paddy, green technologies, pest management, etc