Construction of a Scale Towards E-Crop Booking Services of Rythu Bharosa Kendras (RBKs)

A. Nikhitha *

Department of Agricultural Extension, S.V. Agricultural College, Tirupati-517502, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Andhra Pradesh, India.

P. Ganesh Kumar

Department of Agricultural Extension, S.V. Agricultural College, Tirupati-517502, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Andhra Pradesh, India.

S. Arun Kumar

Agricultural Extension, ToT and Training Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad, India.

V. Sailaja

Department of Agricultural Extension, S.V. Agricultural College, Tirupati-517502, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Andhra Pradesh, India.

D. Subramanyam

Department of Agronomy, S.V. Agricultural College, Tirupati-517502, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Andhra Pradesh, India.

B. Ramana Murthy

Department of Statistics and Computer Applications, S.V. Agricultural College, Tirupati-517502, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Andhra Pradesh, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


In this modern era, farmers encounter difficulties in receiving timely advices and services from extension agents. Due to technological advancements in the recent past quality of services, speed in deliverables and precision actions are possible by creating proper interface between farmers, scientists, extension officers, service providers and by bringing innovation/sustainable interventions in agriculture and allied sectors. With this context as a new extension reform, state government of Andhra Pradesh, India has launched Rythu Bharosa Kendras for bringing the extension system nearer to the farming community and more transparency to ensure quality of services. Hence, this study represents the construction of a perception scale to understand the perception of farmers towards Rythu Bharosa Kendras. Keeping this in view, an attempt has been made to develop a scale for measuring the perception of farmers towards e-crop booking services of Rythu Bharosa Kendras. Likert’s method of summated rating technique was adopted to construct the scale. Based on the available literature and expert’s opinion, 50 statements were developed. After editing as per informal criteria, 40 statements were subjected to item analysis among the farmers of non-sample area. Out of which, 32 statements were retained in the developed perception scale based on the highest ‘t’ value. The ‘r’ (correlation coefficient) value was found to be 0.852 which represents significant at 1 per cent level and the reliability and validity of the constructed scale were found appropriate to measure the perception of farmers towards e-crop booking services of Rythu Bharosa Kendras.

Keywords: Perception of farmers, e-crop booking, extension agents and adoption

How to Cite

Nikhitha, A., P. Ganesh Kumar, S. Arun Kumar, V. Sailaja, D. Subramanyam, and B. Ramana Murthy. 2024. “Construction of a Scale Towards E-Crop Booking Services of Rythu Bharosa Kendras (RBKs)”. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 46 (6):549-55.