Examining the Effects of Diverse Irrigation Regimens and Planting Timelines on Wheat Growth, Yield, and Yield Characteristics

Suchismita Dwibedi *

Department of Agronomy, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur-848125, India.

Ratnesh Kumar Jha

Department of Agronomy, RPCAU, Pusa, Samastipur, India.

Abdus Sattar

Department of Agrometeorology, RPCAU, Pusa, Samastipur, India.

Rajan Kumar

Department of Agronomy, RPCAU, Pusa, Samastipur, India.

Shiveshwar Pratap Singh

Department of Soil Science, RPCAU, Pusa, Samastipur, India.

Ashutosh Singh

Department of Biotechnology, RPCAU, Pusa, Samastipur, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


In the Rabi season spanning 2021 to 2022, a field trial was carried out on sandy loam soil. at a research station near the Center for Advanced Studies on Climate Change, Dr. RPCAU, Pusa, Bihar (India). Positioned at a latitude of 25°98' N and a longitude of 85°66' E. the experimental plot ascended to an elevation of 52.3 meters above mean sea level. The primary objective was to assess the effects of different irrigation levels and planting dates on the development, yield, and yield characteristics of wheat. The investigation included four irrigation management protocols (irrigation at 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, and 1.2 IW/CPE) assigned to the main plot, along with four sowing dates (15 Nov, 30 Nov, 15 Dec, and 30 Dec) allocated to the sub plot. This layout was replicated thrice in a split-plot configuration. The results indicated that the maximum values of growth factors (specifically plant height), yield factor (effective tillers/m2), and yield (both grain and straw) were observed when irrigation was administered at 1.2 IW/CPE (I4). This method, statistically comparable to irrigation at 1 IW/CPE (I3), exhibited notable superiority over the other treatments. Conversely, the minimum values of plant height, effective tillers/m2, grain yield, and straw yield were documented under the irrigation regimen of 0.6 IW/CPE (I1).

Keywords: Wheat, date of sowing, IW/CPE, plant height, effective tillers/m2

How to Cite

Dwibedi, Suchismita, Ratnesh Kumar Jha, Abdus Sattar, Rajan Kumar, Shiveshwar Pratap Singh, and Ashutosh Singh. 2024. “Examining the Effects of Diverse Irrigation Regimens and Planting Timelines on Wheat Growth, Yield, and Yield Characteristics”. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 46 (7):89-97. https://doi.org/10.9734/jeai/2024/v46i72561.