Investigating the Effectiveness of Various Weed Control Methods to Reduce Narrow and Broad Leaf Populations in the Oat (Avena sativa L.) Crop


Department of Agronomy, School of Agriculture, Abhilashi University, Chail Chowk, Mandi, H.P. Pin Code- 175028, India.

Mohd Shah Alam *

Department of Agronomy, School of Agriculture, Abhilashi University, Chail Chowk, Mandi, H.P. Pin Code- 175028, India.

Jay Nath Patel

Department of Agronomy, School of Agriculture, Abhilashi University, Chail Chowk, Mandi, H.P. Pin Code- 175028, India.


Department of Agronomy, School of Agriculture, Abhilashi University, Chail Chowk, Mandi, H.P. Pin Code- 175028, India.


Department of Soil Science, School of Agriculture, Abhilashi University, Chail Chowk, Mandi, H.P. Pin Code- 175028, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aims: It is aim to investigating the effectiveness of various weed control methods to reduce narrow and broad leaf populations in oat (Avena sativa L.) crop.

Study Design: The experiment was designed using a Randomized Block design method.

Place and Duration of Study: Department of agronomy, School of Agriculture, Abhilashi university, Chail Chowk, Mandi, India (H.P.) during the Rabi season of 2022.

Methodology: The field trail was conducted with seven treatments and replicated thrice. The investigation included seven different weed control techniques i.e. T1 - weedy check (control), T2 - weed free, T3 - one hand weeding at 25 DAS, T4 - two hand weeding at 25 DAS and 45 DAS,T5 - pre-emergence application of Pendimethalin @ 0.75 kg a.i. ha-1 + one hand weeding at 25 DAS, T6 - post emergence application of atrazine @ 0.75 kg a.i. ha -1 at 35 DAS + one hand weeding at 25 DAS, T7 - post emergence metsulfuron methyl @ 0.004 kg a.i. ha -1 at 35 DAS + one hand weeding at 25 DAS.

Results: The investigation found that the most effective ways to control weeds are by keeping the area completely weed-free or by using two-hand weeding at 25 DAS and 45 DAS. T2 (weed-free), which involved keeping the area weed-free, was found to be the most successful in terms of achieving the lowest weed density and highest weed control efficiency. Two-hand weeding at 25 DAS and 45 DAS was found to be better than using herbicides to reduce weed infestation in oat crops.

Conclusion: Based on the results, it can be concluded that integrated weed management practices weed-free treatment is the most effective option for managing weeds in oats.

Keywords: Oat crop, green forage yield, weed index, weed control efficiency and weed control

How to Cite

Komal, Mohd Shah Alam, Jay Nath Patel, Yograj, and Ravinder. 2024. “Investigating the Effectiveness of Various Weed Control Methods to Reduce Narrow and Broad Leaf Populations in the Oat (Avena Sativa L.) Crop”. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 46 (7):655-66.