Analysis of Marketing Channels of Papaya in Middle Gujarat, India
Viraj Shekhaliya
International Agri-Business Management Institute, AAU, Anand, India.
Snehal Mishra *
Department of Agribusiness Economics and Policies, IABMI, AAU, Anand, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
This study investigates the marketing channels, price spread, and constraints faced by papaya producer and intermediaries in the middle Gujarat region, specifically in the districts of Vadodara, Anand, and Ahmedabad. A total of 150 farmers, 25 papaya wholesalers, and 25 papaya retailers were surveyed randomly using structured questionnaires to collect data on marketing channels, price spread, and constraints faced. Three main marketing channels were identified: Channel I (Farmer – Pre-harvest contractor – Wholesaler cum commission Agent – Retailer – Consumer), Channel II (Farmer – Wholesaler cum commission Agent – Retailer – Consumer), and Channel III (Farmer – Retailer – Consumer). The study reveals that Channel III is the most efficient and beneficial for papaya farmers, offering the highest net price, the lowest price spread, and the best marketing efficiency. Price spreads were notably high in Channel I at Rs. 5000 per quintal, compared to Rs. 4670 per quintal in Channel II and a significantly reduced Rs. 2835 per quintal in Channel III. Constraints faced by papaya producers include disease and pests especially viral attacks, uncertain weather conditions, and high initial investment. Wholesalers and retailers face challenges related to transportation, wastage/spoilage, and lack of storage facilities. The findings suggest that adopting Channel III can enhance profitability for papaya farmers and improve the efficiency of the marketing chain. The study identifies the need for optimizing marketing channels and addressing constraints to ensure fair profit distribution and marketing of papaya.
Keywords: marketing channel, marketing cost, marketing margin, marketing efficiency, price spread