Rice Fallow Pulses for Agricultural Potential for South Asian Region

Devi Geethika J

Department of Agronomy, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai, 625 104, India.

Subramanian E *

ICAR-KVK, AC&RI, Madurai, 625 104, India.

Gurusamy A

Department of Agronomy, AC&RI, Madurai, 625 104, India.

Arunachalam P

AC&RI, Madurai-625 104, India.

Bhakiyathu Saliha B

Agricultural Research Station, Kovilpatti, 628 501, India.

G. Selvarani

Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, AC&RI, TNAU, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, 625 104, India.

K. Jothilakshmi

Food Science and Nutrition, ICAR- KVK, Madurai -625 104, India.

A. Sathishkumar

Department of Agronomy, AC&RI, TNAU, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, 625 104, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Rice fallows refer to lowland areas where rice is cultivated during the monsoon (kharif season) is left unplanted during the winter season (rabi) due to various factors. These include the early cessation of monsoon rains which resulted in soil moisture stress during winter season; waterlogging and excessive moisture in November/December, led to unsuitable for winter crops; the absence of suitable varieties for late planting at winter season and socio-economic issues such as damage by stray cattle or blue bulls. India accounts for a significant majority of about 79% of South Asia's total rice fallows which amount to 11.65 million hectares out of the region's total of 15.0 million hectares. The review assess the scenario of rice fallow pulses, production technologies and its constraints in the present trend.

Keywords: Rice fallow, monsoon, pulses, technologies

How to Cite

J, Devi Geethika, Subramanian E, Gurusamy A, Arunachalam P, Bhakiyathu Saliha B, G. Selvarani, K. Jothilakshmi, and A. Sathishkumar. 2024. “Rice Fallow Pulses for Agricultural Potential for South Asian Region”. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 46 (10):603-11. https://doi.org/10.9734/jeai/2024/v46i102983.