Influence of Organic Manures and Micronutrients on Yield and Quality of Brinjal (Solanun melongena L. var. Pusa uttam)

Asha Jat *

Department of Horticulture, S.K.N. Agriculture University, Rajasthan, India.

A. K. Soni

Department of Horticulture, S.K.N. Agriculture University, Rajasthan, India.

M. R. Choudhary

Department of Horticulture, S.K.N. Agriculture University, Rajasthan, India.

Jitendra Singh Shivran

Department of Horticulture, S.K.N. Agriculture University, Rajasthan, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A field study was conducted at farm of S.K.N., Agriculture University, Jobner, (Jaipur), Rajasthan, India during kharif  season 2018 to investigate effect of organic manures and micronutrients on yield and quality of brinjal (Solanum melongena L. var. Pusa Uttam). The treatments included organic manures (control, FYM (40 t /ha), vermicompost (6.6 t /ha) and poultry manure @ 6.6 t /ha,) and micronutrients (control, Zn (0.5%), Fe (0.5%) and B (0.3%). The application of vermicompost (6.6 t/ha) non significantly affected TSS content and significantly increased the ascorbic acid content, protein content, fruit yield per plot and fruit yield per hectare which was statistically at par with poultry manure (6.6 t /ha) and micronutrients also non significantly affected TSS content and significantly increased the ascorbic acid content, protein content, fruit yield per plot and fruit yield per hectare as compared to control.

Keywords: Micronutrients, organic manures, protein content, TSS, yield

How to Cite

Jat, Asha, A. K. Soni, M. R. Choudhary, and Jitendra Singh Shivran. 2024. “Influence of Organic Manures and Micronutrients on Yield and Quality of Brinjal (Solanun Melongena L. Var. Pusa Uttam)”. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 46 (10):643-49.