Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management Practices on Growth, Yield, Quality and Economics of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L.)
S.K. Mukhi *
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kandhamal Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751003, India.
S.S. Sardar
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ganjam-1, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha- 751003, India.
N. Bar
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kandhamal Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751003, India.
P.J. Mishra
Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751003, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
A field experiment was conducted to assess the effect of integrated nutrient management practices on growth, yield and economics of mustard during the rabi season of 2022-23 at farmer’s field in Kandhamal district of Odisha under Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kandhamal, OUAT, Bhubaneswar. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisted of four treatments with seven replications. The treatments comprised of T1: Farmer’s practice (FYM @ 0.5 t ha-1, average fertilizer @ 20.5-23-0 kg N-P2O5-K2O ha-1), T2: STBFR + FYM @ 2 t ha-1 + Biofertilizers (Azotobacter, Azospirillum and PSB @ 1:1:1, 4 kg each per ha, T3: RDF + FYM @ 5 t ha-1 + S @ 25 kg ha-1 and B @ 1 kg ha-1and T4: STBFR + FYM @ 2 t ha-1 + Soil application of Zn @ 5kg ha-1 and B @ 1kg ha-1 along with S @ 40 kg ha-1. The significantly higher growth attributes viz., plant height, number of primary and total branches per plant, Yield attributes viz., number of siliqua per plant, number of seeds per siliqua, test weight and seed and stover yield as well as quality and economic parameters viz., oil content, oil yield, gross and net return and B:C ratio recorded under STBFR + FYM @ 2 t ha-1 + Zn @ 5 kg ha-1 + S @ 40 kg ha-1 + B @ 1 kg ha-1 over rest of the tratment combinations.
Keywords: Growth, yield, quality economics, INM, Indian mustard