Harnessing Natural Arsenal for Effective Management of Jassid on Brinjal [Solenum melongena L.]

P. K. Thakar *

Department of Entomology, CPCA, S. D. Agricultural University, Gujarat-385506, India.

P. S. Patel

Department of Entomology, CPCA, S. D. Agricultural University, Gujarat-385506, India.

R. S. Jaiman

Department of Plant Pathology, CPCA, S. D. Agricultural University, Gujarat-385506, India.

Sushma Deb

Department of Entomology, CPCA, S. D. Agricultural University, Gujarat-385506, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


In brinjal ecosystem, jassid cause enormous damage to brinjal. Hence, investigation on Harnessing natural arsenal for effective management of jassid on brinjal was carried out during 2022-23 and 2023-24 at S. D. Agriculture University, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat, India. The most effective treatment was Azadirachtin 1500 ppm (0.0006%), reducing jassid population to 1.44 jassids/leaf, followed by Lecanicillium lecanii 1.15 WP (1×108 cfu/g) at 0.0046 per cent, which recorded 1.82 jassids/leaf. Other treatments, such as NSKE at 5 per cent (2.14 jassids/leaf) and NSKE + Cow urine (2.36 jassids/leaf), also showed good results. Dashparni ark (2.55 jassids/leaf) and Neemastra (2.85 jassids/leaf) were moderately effective, while Brahmastra and Panchparni ark were less effective, both recording 3.20 jassids/leaf. The study highlights the potential of Azadirachtin and Lecanicillium lecanii as sustainable, effective treatments for jassid management in brinjal.

Keywords: Biopesticide, Lecanicillum lecanii, azadirachtin, jassids, brinjal and Solenum melongena L

How to Cite

Thakar, P. K., P. S. Patel, R. S. Jaiman, and Sushma Deb. 2024. “Harnessing Natural Arsenal for Effective Management of Jassid on Brinjal [Solenum Melongena L.]”. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 46 (11):655-62. https://doi.org/10.9734/jeai/2024/v46i113087.