Pest and Disease Video Classification with Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning

Ghodasara Y. R. *

Department of AIT, CAIT, AAU, Anand, India.

Parmar R. S.

Department of AIT, CAIT, AAU, Anand, India.

Kamani G. J.

Department of BEAS, CAET, AAU, Godhra, India.

Sisodiya D. B.

Department of Entomology, BACA, AAU, Anand, India.

Parmar R. G.

Department of Plant Pathology, BACA, AAU, Anand, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The important field crops of agriculture are affected due to attack of various pests and diseases which leads to reduction in crop production. Early classification and identification of pests and diseases in plant helps farmers to take mitigation steps. To address this issue with computer vision based techniques, convolutional neural network (CNN) based deep learning models were studied for classification of pests and diseases videos. Six different CNN models were developed. Two approaches namely from scratch learning and transfer learning were used. Data augmentation techniques such as reflection, scaling, rotation, and translation were also applied to prevent the network from overfitting. The classification accuracy of 99.19%, 99.08% and 98.80% was attained in VGG19, DENSENET201 and CNN 5 Layer model. The results demonstrated that CNN models with good architecture can classify pests and diseases with good performance.

Keywords: Convolutional neural network, pest, disease classification, video classification, transfer learning

How to Cite

Y. R., Ghodasara, Parmar R. S., Kamani G. J., Sisodiya D. B., and Parmar R. G. 2024. “Pest and Disease Video Classification With Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning”. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 46 (10):388-99.