Costs and Returns of Potato Cultivation in Kannauj District of Uttar Pradesh, India
Kamlesh Kumar
Department of Agriculture, Economics, Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology KumarganjAyodhya -224229 (U. P.), India.
R. R. Kushwaha *
Department of Agriculture, Economics, Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology KumarganjAyodhya -224229 (U. P.), India.
Vinay Kumar Singh
Department of Fruit Science, Azamgarh Campus, Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology KumarganjAyodhya -224229 (U. P.), India.
K. K. Mourya
Department of Agriculture, Statistics, CRS,MasodhaAyodhya -224229 (U.P.), India.
Seema Verma
Department of Agriculture Business Management, Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology KumarganjAyodhya -224229 (U. P.), India.
Bhartendu Yadav
Department of Agriculture Economics, Lovely Professional University Phagwara, Kapoorthala (Punjab), India.
Pushpendra Kumar
Department of Agriculture, Economics, Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology KumarganjAyodhya -224229 (U. P.), India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
A study was carried out with the goal of determining the worth and significance of the Potato crop as well as the income and jobs it creates through its production, disposal. Analyze the main objectives were the cost & income measures of Potato cultivation. With the use of purposive cum random sampling, 100 respondents were chosen from the Kannauj District of Uttar Pradesh. Data were gathered using a scheduled programme and personal interviews. For the purpose of presenting the results, tabular and functional analyses were performed. Chosen respondents were divided into 61, 29, and 10percent from marginal, small, and medium categories. Data was analyzed and found that Average holding Size 1.41 ha, Varying from 0.80 to 3.91 ha. Cropping intensity of sample farms was to 227.45 percent which was found highest on Marginal farms 255.26 percent followed by Small 220.48 percent and Medium 201.48 percent respectively. On an Average cost of cultivation was Rs.92294.88 per/ha. The gross & Net income on over all farms where found to be Rs.181012.50 and 88717.62 per ha respectively. The input and output ratio was found to be 1:1.96 On cost C3. study was characterized by decreasing return to scale.
Keywords: Farm structure, cropping pattern, cropping intensity, cost & return