Effect of Different Varieties on Growth and Yield of Maize (Zea mays L.) under Gird Region of Madhya Pradesh

Satendra Sharma

School of Agriculture Science, Vikrant University, Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh), India.

Hirdesh Kumar *

School of Agriculture Science, Vikrant University, Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh), India.

Arun Sahu

School of Agriculture Science, Vikrant University, Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh), India.

Mandvi Srivastava

School of Agriculture Science, Vikrant University, Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh), India.

Sachin Kumar Singh

School of Agriculture Science, Vikrant University, Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh), India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The present investigation was conducted at field of School of Agriculture science, Vikrant University, Gwalior, (M.P.). Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the important cereal crops belong to the Poaceae family, which ranked third after wheat and rice crops in of the productivity and cultivated area in the world. It is a short duration, quick growing and widely grown crop with high potential, there are no cereal crops with such an immense potentiality, so it is called as “queen of cereals”. Different varieties of maize e.g., JM 218, JM 215, PRMH-306, JM-8, JM-13 are grown. The medium or late maturing varieties suffer due to water stress at maturity stage and lack of suitable varieties with stress tolerance at various stages of growth is one of the limiting factors. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications. Each replication was comprised of six treatments involving different varieties i.e. JM218, JM215, PRMH – 306, JM – 8 and JM – 13 of maize. Result concluded that the varieties PRMH – 306 (T3) may be more beneficial in terms of growth, productivity, and profitability over rest of the treatments, which suggests that the varieties PRMH – 306 is more scientific management for under field condition as well as sandy loam soil for maize in region of Madhya Pradesh.

Keywords: Cereal crops, agronomic practices, maize variety, stress tolerance

How to Cite

Sharma, Satendra, Hirdesh Kumar, Arun Sahu, Mandvi Srivastava, and Sachin Kumar Singh. 2025. “Effect of Different Varieties on Growth and Yield of Maize (Zea Mays L.) under Gird Region of Madhya Pradesh”. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 47 (1):194-201. https://doi.org/10.9734/jeai/2025/v47i13217.